Xanthippe : " Ah yes JWs separate spirit and soul"
The Rebel: The O.P is " Origin of Life" but the question is raised on a ex JWs site, and I think comparatively few exiting JWs, have thought any deeper on the " Origin of Life" than watchtower literature. My point is for many, you leave the organisation on reasons of concience,then you scrabble to maintain your family connections, and then you get bewildered by the " Origin of Life."
In my opinion when a person has escaped that mental darkness, surely we can forgive or at least tolerate that for all people the understanding of universal reality will take time? So why become so antagonized by opposing viewpoints? If a point is well made with humility, and timidly,it doesn't need ill-temperd words to counter opposing viewpoints.
Konceptual99, we must have posted at the same time,but your post ended up before mine, and it said all I tried to say, but much better.
pp.s if we had the privalige to conduct a bible study, we were so "right" and we got away with it by being so sincerly wrong. Having been there, I never want to be so " right" again.